Where Can I Purchase Tickets?
You can purchase tickets at TexasRangers.com/NFR. Tickets will be available to the general public starting on September 25th, while advance presale tickets for season ticket holders will be accessible from September 16th. Season ticket holders will receive specific ticket instructions via email.
How Many Tickets Can I Buy at Once?
To support social distancing efforts, all tickets will be sold in groups of four with space left between each group. Season ticket holders with fewer than four tickets will have the option to purchase a block of four seats.
What Will Be the Guidelines for Social Distancing, Masks, and Health Protocols?
We will adhere to all local and state-recommended guidelines and health protocols.
Where Can I Park?
Parking passes for this event can be obtained at TexasRangers.com/NFR when purchasing event tickets. You will also find additional event information and a parking map on the same site.
If I Don’t Have Tickets, How Can I Watch?
All performances will be broadcast live on The Cowboy Channel and simulcast on RFD-TV. Additionally, the performances will be streamed on the PRCA on Cowboy Channel Plus app. Visit cowboychannelplus.com or vegasnfr.com for more information on how to watch.
What Happens If There Are Pandemic-Related Changes Before December? Can I Get a Refund If Gathering Restrictions Change?
Any updates or changes due to the pandemic will be communicated through TexasRangers.com/NFR and Globe Life Field social media channels. Please stay tuned for further instructions.
Whom Should I Contact for Ticketing and Event-Related Questions?
To minimize contact, we recommend using mobile tickets. If you encounter issues with mobile tickets, feel free to visit the Southeast box office at Globe Life Field on the event day, and our staff will assist you. For ticket purchase inquiries, please call 972-RANGERS or email SpecialEvents@TexasRangers.com. If you have questions regarding PRCA or NFR, please visit www.prorodeo.com.
In Las Vegas, there were many events alongside the NFR. What Is Planned for the New Venue?
Ancillary events like Cowboy Christmas and Buckle Ceremonies will be included. Specific details regarding these events will be announced at a later date. Keep an eye on ProRodeo.com for updates on everything related to NFR.
Where Will the 2020 PRCA Convention Be Held?
The location for the 2020 PRCA Convention will be announced later.
Will There Be a ProRodeo Zone at the New Venue?
Yes, the ProRodeo Fan Zone presented by Polaris will be at Globe Life Field.
Is There a Spurs & Spikes Golf Tournament Planned at the New Location?
Plans for the Spurs & Spikes golf tournament are currently in progress.
Are Special Security Arrangements Being Made for NFR 2020?
Ensuring the health and safety of all entering Globe Life Field is our top priority. All staff and guests will undergo appropriate screening before entering the building.
With the Move Away from Las Vegas, Are Any Sponsors Sitting Out NFR 2020?
No, all sponsors are actively engaged and excited to be part of the 2020 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. We also aim to expand sponsorships in the North Texas region.
Will Media Be Permitted to Cover the Event?
Media are encouraged to cover the event.